The “I Can” Challenge a huge success!

On Saturday, July 26th over 800 people joined Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli for a 2.5 km walk at the Old Port of Montreal. The “I Can” Challenge hosted by ILL-Abilities and Project RAD was long anticipated by many and there was definitely a lot of excitement and energy in the air. Luca and his wonderful team managed to bring together a very diverse crowd and create a team camaraderie with everyone. The “I Can” Challenge event was a great and memorable day from beginning to end. If you would like to have a small taste of the “I Can” Challenge, I invite you to watch his video.

Le Defi “Je Peux” -The “I Can” Challenge – Lazylegz

Luca “Lazylegs” Patuelli is currently performing worldwide, inspiring millions of people with his message “anyone can accomplish what they set their mind to as long as they don’t create excuses along the way.”

To learn more about Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli visit

Registration is open for the RTI workshop!

The Centre of Excellence for the Physically, Intellectually and Multi-Challenged is sponsoring a workshop on Response to Intervention (RTI) to be held at Centennial Regional High School, Riverside School Board on October 24, 2014. The workshop will be given by Karen Gazith, adjunct faculty from the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and the Department of Integrated Studies in Education at McGill University where she has taught for over twenty-two years and is the dean of academics at Utt/herzliah. This is a great opportunity to discover how RTI works in any classroom and to acquire skills to adapt it to your own situation. Please see the attached flyer for further information and contact us at for registration details.

RTI workshop flyer

Links to presenters at Symposium

Here are some useful links from the presenters at our 2014 Symposium:

ILL-ABILITIES™ is an International Breakdance Crew comprised of five dancers(bboy/breakdance): Redouan “Redo” Ait Chitt (The Netherlands), Sergio “Checho” Carvajal (Chile), Tommy “Guns” Ly (U.S.A), Jacob “Kujo” Lyons (U.S.A), & Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli (Canada).

LE PROJET RAD est une organisation ayant pour mission de donner l’opportunité à des individus ayant divers handicaps de suivre des cours inclusifs de danse urbaine dans un contexte chaleureux, sécuritaire et adapté à leurs besoins. Accompagnés par des professeurs spécialisés, ils pourront partager le plaisir de danser avec un groupe et s’épanouir sur scène.

Symposium 2014 was a great success!

Centre of Excellence 2014 Symposium

“Diversity- Creating a more accessible and flexible environment for all students”

April 11, 2014

Manoir des Sables, Orford, Québec.


Luca’s inspiring keynote address




Lazylegz’ signature move!

Audience participation



Relaxing at lunch…